2021. 4. 10. 13:37ㆍ카테고리 없음
Installation or sign in issues? If you're having installation issue such as Office taking long to install, try for a list of common issues.
• Click a download link to begin the download Tip: To install Office in a different language, or install the version (if you're on a PC), from the Office 365 home page, select Install Office apps> Other install options > Advanced.. • Sufficient data storage available on a Computer, USB or external drive for the download.. Students can download the Office 2011 for Mac The install begins • Your install is finished when you see the phrase, 'You're all set! Office is installed now' and an animation plays to show you where to find Office applications on your computer.
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Windows: • Office 2016 ProPlus installed via Office 365: Faculty, staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students with an Office 365 account; a full-service SUNet ID or a sponsored full-service SUNet ID is required • Office 2013/2016 Professional Plus: Faculty and staff with a full-service SUNet ID on a university-owned computer Mac • Office 2016 for Mac: Faculty, staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students with an Office 365 account; a full-service SUNet ID or a sponsored full-service SUNet ID is required.. Select from above and review the section Account questions This page will allow you to download and reinstall Office for the following products: Office 2010; Office for Mac 2011; Note that support for Office 2007 has ended.
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microsoft com/mac/office-university Step 2 - Install Office • Depending on your browser, click Run (in Edge or Internet Explorer), Setup (in Chrome), or Save File (in Firefox).. If you see the User Account Control prompt that says, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?Instructions for Northeastern students who wish to download Microsoft Office.. Follow these steps to download Office • Enter the 25-character product key that came with your product purchase in the field below.. Please refer to the following link for available upgrade options: To download and install Office 2013 for a single PC, Office 2016 for a single PC and Office 2016 for a single Mac go to Before you begin Make sure you have • Your Office product key (xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx).. Choose the language and bit version you want and then select Install This begins the download of Office.. Office for Mac University 2011 Regarding order # MS8,, Office for Mac University 2011, from site http://www.. This page will allow you to download and reinstall Office for the following products: • Office 2010 • Office for Mac 2011 Note that support for Office 2007 has ended.. Follow the prompts on your screen to complete the install Don't see an install option after signing in? There could be an issue with your account.. Follow the instructions in the window, for example Click Start > All Apps to see where your apps are, and select Close.
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